Integrated Human Capital Planning

to excel with your operations and your ability to drive your strategic agenda?

at the right capacity, and

at the right time

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The right competencies,

How important is it for you and your company to have

Imagine if this would be visible as an integral part of your strategic and operational planning, not as a one off, but as a continuous result.

You will see positive effects on:

Resource optimisation: on average, companies gain 10-15% optimisation 

Early identification, scenario based, on future competence needs, e.g., linked to product and service lifecycles or strategic transformations

Transparency where bottlenecks are and if/where overcapacity exist and if the situation is systematic or temporary

Partner engagements, e.g., allowing for proactive dialogues, leading to better fit and better prices 

Building trust with customer and partner trust

Better decision basis:

the capability to

take decisions and drive actions linked to resources and competencies

Imagine a Return of Investment on 3-9 months!

We know that today, the need for competences or the loss of available competencies after your business needs and demand, is one of the greatest challenges internationally.

European Investment Bank (2020) has identified the lack of the right competencies at the right time as the top challenge for companies and organisations.

Företagarna (2017) and Svenskt Näringsliv (2016) states in their reports that 25% of businesses experience a miss-match between the need of competence and the competence available and that the trend continues. The perceived difficulty with finding the right competencies impacts growth and societal development.

We want to help your business to thrive, to let your business vison lead the way and together with you create a sustainable short-, mid- and long term capability planning with scalability after your needs today and your needs tomorrow.


Intergrated Human Capital Planning

A chain is no stronger than its weakest link

Thomas Reid

This is what we do and have our core strength at.
Nimbleway HR spans the end-to-end value chain of a business and can help you to ensure appropriate competence at the right time to fully support your business needs. In a positive way we challenge structure and prepare businesses for your planned growth and/or your next paradigm. 

Are you in the middle of a greater challenge, or have we awakened your interest to learn more? Do not hesitate to contact us!